Cucumbers require conditions of high light intensity, temperature, and humidity in order to thrive. The quantity as well as the quality of the crop is directly affected by the surrounding lighting conditions. This means that a carefully composed spectra adapted to the special needs of cucumber plants can increase productivity and promote desirable properties, while inadequate lighting conditions will affect yield and fruit quality negatively. Let us help you in your choices. Our Top light will surprise you when you compare thermal cooling conditions and crop productivity of cucumber a best-in-class energy consumption. We can even arrange reusable aluminium cases for our most demanding CO2 and sustainability customers. We have a long-term plan for you and how you also can help to be an industry leader.
Scientific reports clearly advocates that a broad-spectrum light has been shown to increase yield, both in terms of fresh weight of fruit and total fruit number compared to narrowband spectra, while also creating a more comfortable working environment. A full spectrum with a proportion of green light in addition to red and blue light more effectively enhances photosynthesis in a strong white light background than red and blue light alone, since green light can penetrate deeper into the leaf tissue and excite photosystems in lower cell layers. Our light systems are optimized for managing layers and with the right spectra. Sometimes, also a multi-spectrum solution is used where a far-red module is added. We also develop hybrid solutions for gradual replacements of the older HPS technology into LED to optimize investment costs in the gradual shift we are facing at the moment where HPS is to be banned in many regions.
We have helped many growers from HPS and know the pain points. The scientific backup for choosing spectrum is clear. Studies compared the yield, efficiency of production processes and impact on cultivation costs of three light treatments, one HPS toplight fixture, one combination of HPS toplight fixture and LED interlight fixture and one LED toplight and interlight fixture. With limited exceptions, it is concluded that LED-LED was the most effective treatment in terms of light use, resulted in higher yields and significantly increased production value and gross profit margin. Whether or not adding a separate far-red module is still important to consider in some cases. Studies pointed out that due to the loss of radiant heat from the HPS lamps, the LED-LED treatment had an increased need for thermal energy during the winter months. However, it is still concluded that the increased value of production from the LED treatment covered for the costs of thermal energy and still made LED the most advantageous light source. However, we work close with our growers to determine the light spectra situation and LED usage case by case. All our decisions are for the long-run. We want to be your preferred supplier, now and in the future.